Solatube Ø 35 cm dome polycarbonate flex
Solatube Ø 35 cm dome polycarbonate flex
Techcomlight limited has consciously chosen polycarbonate as the material of choice for the Solatube roof dome.
In the UK, does it matter what material the roof dome is made from?
Yes, it does matter because the roof dome replaces a part of the roof covering and specific UK
regulations apply in this event to ensure the integrity of the roof is not compromised in the event of
a fire.
What restrictions apply to the use of roof dome materials?
All materials used on roofs must have a classification and there is a minimum classification
requirement for thermoplastic rooflights (Class 3 or European class D-s2, d2); unclassified materials
are automatically deemed non-compliant and should not be used. The Solatube polycarbonate dome complies to these requirement.
How do I ensure the product already installed or about to be installed complies?
Ask your supplier or installer for the roof dome material classification. They should provide
you with an accredited material classification for the product supplied or a UK accreditation such
as a BBA Certificate which confirms the regulations with which the product complies and its
classifications. If your supplier cannot provide proof of the dome material classification, then you
cannot be sure or prove that the product complies with UK Building regulations.
The technical specification of the Solatube polycarbonate roof dome in relation to fire is as follows;
Reaction to Fire ( EN 13501‐1) : C‐s3, d0
External Fire Performance of roofs ( EN 13501‐5): BROOF(t4)
Resistance to impact ( EN 1873) : SB 1350
BBA Technical Approval: Yes
FM Approval: Yes
CE / Declaration of performance : Yes
Solar Impulse efficient Solution approval: Yes
Product guarantee | 10 years |
Materials used | Polycarbonate |
Country of Manufacture | United States |
Weight | 2.48 Kg |